As you may have noticed, I created my calendars without a ring wire or holes; the most common way to hang a calendar. I did this with a simple reason: if or when done using the calendar, you can take out your favourite prints and give them a second life. No holes, no wires. This way you can choose to frame them or use them in any other way you’d like. I stand by this (sustainable) choice, but.. it might also lead to some questions on how to hang them.
Well, I’ve got you!

How to hang your Studio by Nicolet calendar
Use a fold clip
It is really easy to hang your calendar using an oversized foldable paperclip. The clip I have used in this example is 6.5 cm.
Using a clip like this won’t damage the illustration, and it’s super easy to change months.

How to hang your Studio by Nicolet calendar
Use a poster hanger
Another option is to hang your calendar using a poster hanger. The size I use for my calendars is 25 cm wide (a4 size) and fits both my year 2025 calendar, as the magical celebrations birthday calendar.
Much like using the clip, this poster hanger does not damage the illustration, and although not as easy as with the clip, it is still easy to change months.
Featuring my favourite illustrations, it is my sincere hope that these calendars bring warmth, positivity and a little bit of magic into your daily life, as it has into mine.
My calendars are illustrated and printed in The Netherlands on paper that is 100% made from agricultural waste. So: no trees are cut down to produce this paper! Also, the production process of the paper is CO2 neutral.
I have also created calendar + art card sets for you, with a bundle discount. You can find them here.